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Completing the DSPT

Helping with your data protection and security FREE Support for Care Providers.

What’s changed?

The Data Security and Protection Toolkit has been rightly criticised as being too complicated and difficult to understand.  To try and address some of these concerns the DSPT has been rewritten in plainer language and is also much more care focused.

Each question now has a lot more explanation as to what it means and examples of how to answer.

The actual number of mandatory questions has increased slightly (42) but some questions have been removed, or merged into others that were asking for similar answers and there have also been some new questions added that better reflect how we work today (i.e. increased use of mobile devices).  The option to publish to Entry Level has also been removed and has been replaced with a new category called ‘Approaching Standards’.

The former entry level has now been replaced by a the more comprehensive Approaching Standards level, consisting of 26 questions and an action plan on how you will complete to the Standards Met level. For this reason, we are recommending that all providers try and compete to Standards Met as it does not require that much more work and potentially opens the door to a range of NHS digital services.


Toolkit Question Types:

The toolkit will ask you three types of questions:

A tick box to confirm your answer (essentially yes or no).

A text comment/statement

Upload a document, reference a document or weblink or enter text – You should always use the ‘enter text option; you do not have to upload documents unless you want to but you must specify in the text box where the document is located (eg on a computer in the care home).

All questions include an optional comments box.

Further help

If you need help you can contact the dedicated digital helpdesk

For further information about Digital policies and directives effecting Care Providers please check out the Digital Social Care Website

This support programme is part of the Better Security, Better Care programme, funded by NHSX to support data and cyber security across the adult social care provider sector.

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