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Support and guidance: Better Security, Better Care programme

Better Security, Better Care is a national and local support programme to help care providers to improve their data and cyber security by completing the DSPT.

It includes a range of useful resources to help you to use the toolkit, as well as practical support from a network of local support partners across England, national support for large care providers, and a dedicated helpline.

Find out more about the Better Security, Better Care programme, including how to contact your local support group or the national team at Digital Social Care.

FREE DSPT Webinars and Workshops

If you have never made a DSPT Submission previously then we recommend you attend an Introduction to the DSPT webinar first.

These webinars are open to any care provider within Bedfordshire, Luton or Milton Keynes.

We will also run a range of focused workshops to support through the toolkit too.

You can access Digital Social webinars here

Data Protection in General

In this webinar we will cover the policies and procedures that you need to have in place not only to successfully complete the DSPT but also to ensure you are in compliance with current data protection legislation.  We will also tell you how to register to use the toolkit.

Once you have attended this webinar you should know all the policies and documents that you need to make a successful DSPT submission.

Although the DSPT is much more straightforward than it was, we are offering further support to help you complete the toolkit. You may find that once you’ve attended this webinar that you have the necessary information to complete the DSPT in your own time, or you can attend our workshop on Completing the DSPT.

In this virtual workshop we will go through the DSPT question by question working in a small group to ensure all your questions are answered and hopefully getting to a point where you can confidently publish a DSPT submission at Standards Met.

We are here to help should you need any further advice before the workshop.

One to One Sessions

If you feel you need more help with your data protection policies, we can offer one -to – one sessions.

To book one click the button below.

Book One to One Session

Contact Us

If you need help you can contact the digital helpline message here.

For further information about Digital policies and directives effecting Care Providers please check out the Digital Social Care Website.

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